Color Style Consulting - Online

A 100% online and personalized self-knowledge experience that includes style analysis and color analysis steps.

Learn to have a sophisticated and colorful style and achieve an impactful professional and personal image. Use the power of colors and dressing tools strategically to achieve new professional goals!

With my dressing strategies you will achieve a style that 100% reflects your personality and that will be unique and exclusively YOURS.

I will show you that to be elegant you don't just need to wear neutral colors, a blazer and a formal shirt. Elements of art, design and colors are extremely important in creating an impactful look as they are what add creativity and sophistication to the compositions and this results in a style that is uniquely YOURS!

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Sissa Germann foi pioneira na criação do método digital em 2020.

Nesta Masterclass, eu dividirei com você os 5 passos necessários para ter sucesso no meio digital de coloração pessoal.

Falarei sobre a importância da captura da foto da cliente e sobre a utilização de uma ferramenta digital com metodologia precisa, que ofereça padrões comparativos fiéis a um teste presencial.

Te mostrarei como a técnica do "olhar apurado" para a harmonia entre as cores e as pessoas pode ser desenvolvida com dicas simplificadas e que levam a um resultado assertivo.

Indicarei um passo a passo de entrega de resultado que pode ser feito remotamente por vídeo call, deixando a cliente plenamente satisfeita com o seu atendimento.

Dividirei com você a minha experiência, o meu olhar e todo o conhecimento que me levou ao sucesso que tenho hoje!

Quero me inscrever

The Style in Colors Pack Includes:

Style Analysis


- Personal Style Questionnaire

- Image Evaluation - Pinterest

- Evaluation of Client Images

- Look evaluation

Personal Coloring Analysis

Steps include:

- Ideal Photo Guide - manual for capturing the image that will be used to evaluate the personal coloring test.

- Test carried out remotely using Drops de Cor's Digital Personal Coloring Method

- PDF with the comparative result!

Digital Dossiers

- You will receive a digital dossier of your predominant style with tips on how to apply it in different compositions.

-You will receive a digital dossier of your personal coloring station with tips on how to use colors in clothes, accessories, hair tones and makeup. Includes a list of over 300 products with color filters for your season.

Módulo 3 - Harmonia Visual

Eu ensinarei como é possível desenvolver o olhar para a harmonia visual, encontrando características presentes na beleza dos clientes e repetindo-as na escolha da estação.

Recorded class on your essence style.

In this class I will teach you all the fashion elements that are part of your essential style.

I will give you tips for applying this style to different aspects of your life.

Online and Live Class - How to achieve an Image of Professional and Personal Impact - April 24th at 7pm (class will be recorded)

Topics covered:

- Fundamentals of Creating an Impactful Image

- Exploring the Power of Colors in Visual Communication

- Essence of Style in Professional Image

- The Use of Colors with Sophistication

- Influence of Art and Design on the development of "good taste".

- Social Etiquette in Professional Image

Bonus 1 - Digital Party Fashion Dossier

Choose dresses for special occasions in the colors that flatter you and achieve a more attractive image!

Bonus 2 - Biotypes Dossier

Discover your body shape and learn practical tips to enhance your shape and highlight your beauty!

Learn more about the process with our expert!



    Oferecendo serviços de coloração pessoal online, você não está limitado a sua localização geográfica. Você pode atender pessoas de qualquer lugar do mundo, expandindo significativamente sua base de clientes. Isso aumenta suas oportunidades de negócio e permite que você alcance um público mais diversificado.


    A coloração pessoal pode ser integrada a diversos outros serviços que você já oferece ou planeja oferecer, como consultoria de estilo, personal shopping e auxílio na escolha de tons de maquiagens e cabelos. Ao combinar esses serviços, você pode criar pacotes personalizados e exclusivos que agregam mais valor e justificam um preço mais alto de atendimento.


    Clientes satisfeitas tendem a retornar e a recomendar seus serviços a outros. Ofereça acompanhamento contínuo por WhatsApp, com atualizações sazonais de coloração pessoal, garantindo que estejam sempre com o visual em dia. Programas de fidelidade e descontos para os clientes recorrentes também incentivam a repetição de negócios.

Who is Sissa

Image and Style Consultant

Stylist overflowing with creativity and technical skill. From an early age, Sissa discovered her passion for colors and how they can transform not only people's external appearance, but also their self-confidence and
self esteem. Her fascination with the psychology of colors and the ability to express the unique essence of each individual through the right color palette have made her a respected expert around the world. Through years of dedication to her art, Sissa has developed an innovative approach to personal coloring, combining traditional techniques with a contemporary vision. Its objective is to unveil the chromatic harmony of each client, taking into account their individuality, personality and lifestyle. Sissa's holistic and empathetic approach is the beating heart of Drops de Cor, making each session a unique experience of self-knowledge and image appreciation.

"Achieving a sophisticated and colorful image is, in fact, a journey of self-knowledge and self-discovery, an adventure that connects us to our essence and the universe of possibilities that dwell within us. By embracing the knowledge of self-image, we are graced with a powerful instrument to express our identity, with joy and pride."

Sissa Germann

Common questions

Is this experience considered a course or consultancy?

The Style in Colors experience is considered a consultancy as it includes personalized steps where Sissa will assess your style qualities and evaluate your color palette. Each customer will have a personalized delivery with a diagnosis made by Sissa.

Is Online Personal Coloring Reliable?

Drops de Cor was a pioneer in the development of the Digital Personal Coloring Method. With a suitable photo and a competent professional, the result becomes 100% accurate.

How is style analysis done?

You will receive a step-by-step guide via email with practical exercises that you must submit to our team. After receiving the activities, Sissa will personally make your diagnosis and arrive at the result of your predominant style.

How will I receive the result?

A Digital Explanatory Dossier will be sent with the results of your style diagnosis and a comparison of your personal color test. You will also gain access to an explanatory class where Sissa will give you tips for applying the elements of your style in your everyday life.

Is this package refundable?

We offer a full refund, within 7 days of purchase, if the final diagnosis has not yet been carried out. After your delivery of the diagnostic exercises, refunds will no longer be made.

How long will I have to access classes?

The Class about your style will be sent to you and when you save it you will have lifetime access.

The Live Class that will take place on April 24th will be recorded and you will gain access for a period of 1 year.

Receberei um certificado após a conclusão do curso?

Sim. Todos os participantes que concluírem a Masterclass receberão um certificado de conclusão reconhecido no mercado, comprovando sua
expertise em coloração pessoal digital.

Por onde eu terei acesso às aulas?

Após a finalização do pagamento você receberá um link de acesso à nossa plataforma de cursos hospedada aqui no nosso site. O mesmo cadastro utilizado para fazer a compra será utilizado no acesso às aulas.

Posso acessar as aulas depois de concluir a Masterclass?

Sim, você terá acesso por 90 dias. Isso significa que pode revisitar as aulas e materiais dentro deste prazo.

Aproveite esta oportunidade única de aprender com a expert em cores, Sissa Germann, e transforme sua carreira na área de Moda e Beleza! Inscreva-se agora e comece a fazer a diferença com a coloração pessoal!